Fine Artist
I am an artist who creates from an emotive perspective and as emotions are subject to variation, my creativity is multifaceted and far reaching. As an artist who creates through sensitivity, I feel that my creations may not be easily definable as I do not communicate my vision through one medium of expression.
To express myself I utilize every available medium as I am touched by every aspect of life. I use sculpture, installation, oil painting, and photography to express and symbolize my feelings and emotions passing through my eyes, heart and brain.
Life equates to art, and art to life. Life/art has many themes and directions. The one theme that runs through my creativity binding it together, is history. Not the history of politics, or warfare, or architecture, or agriculture. But the delicate history of us as individuals and our interactions, perceptions with the world around us. My art is not a history of a person‘s life. My art is a delineation of a life and what is covering living; a history of shades, nuances, moments.
We are made out of many gradations. Our emotions and our personalities are shaped and crafted by our historic background. As individuals we are created by our parents, as their parents were created by theirs; we are regenerated genes, we are made from atoms of the universe, we are so to speak: a fabric of history, a ‘history’ in the making, a constant work in progress.
I feel this way as we are a ‘work in progress’ and hence my artistic direction will continue on the path that enables me to represent, illustrate and document the ‘histories’ of us as individuals. Through the mediums I use, I will be able to find and explore further avenues of expression whilst continuously viewing, learning and thus creating.