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DAY 11

by Karine Gullino

Title: "Solid roots"

Medium: Mixed media (Collage on paper, glitter, bubble wrap, sisal)

Size: 21 x 38 cm (8.5 x 15 inches)

1/3 of the challenge has been done! Day 11 today and I wanted to speak about having solid roots in life, those roots that will make us grow and improve ourselves so we can reach our goals. By using bubble wrap for my work today, I wanted to express that we cannot always stay within our own bubble, within our comfort zone and we have to get out and to be brave to achieve what we want in life. It is not easy of course but by having strong roots, we won't break down. And even if we do, we will stand up again and pursue our dreams. We will climb anything and reach the top even if we have to go down in order to go up again.

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